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When St.ghor's Artcylage Meets Cosentino's Innovation

When St.ghor’s Artcylage Meets Cosentino’s Innovation.
a true celebration of the union between art and ecology, where samples from the world-leading architectural surfaces company, Cosentino, are given new life as original works of art. At the heart of this innovative collaboration lies the Artcylage project, a groundbreaking initiative that pushes the boundaries of creativity while contributing to a more sustainable future.

LocationCosentino 240 Rue Saint-Jacques Suite 110, Montréal, QCYear2023Share

Cosentino Mtl

St.ghor’s Artcylage Meets Cosentino’s Innovation

A true celebration of the union between art and ecology, where samples from the world-leading architectural surfaces company, Cosentino, are given new life as original works of art. At the heart of this innovative collaboration lies the Artcylage project, a groundbreaking initiative that pushes the boundaries of creativity while contributing to a more sustainable future.

Mosaika Collection merges the beauty of Cosentino’s materials with the imagination of St.ghor, creating a striking synergy between industry and art, combining the captivating aesthetics of the materials with creative artistic expression. It is a visual kaleidoscope where colors, textures, and shapes blend into a new and intriguing harmony.

Each piece in the Mosaika Collection is a statement of art and a commitment to a more environmentally friendly future. It embodies the shared vision of Cosentino and St.Ghor, who together are redefining the boundaries of artistic innovation and environmental preservation.

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